
Trip to California

Decent Essays


Upon preparing to write this paper, many events came to mind. The event that stood out the most was the family vacation we took to California during the hot summer month of July, 2006. Excitement, anticipation, and curiosity filled the two years it took to plan this trip. The elements that made this experience so especial were; the anticipation and planning, the wonderful adventure we faced, and the impact it had on me and my family.

It was a trip that we went on with my sister and her family, which would be our first trip together. The night the trip was booked, I continuously paced the floor looking out of my bedroom window to see if my husband was home from work yet. Since he was working out of …show more content…

After spending two wonderful days at SeaWorld, we decided the next adventure we would embark on, would be The Magic Kingdom. The Magic Kingdom offers many rides such as; The Space Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean and many others, too many to mention. Some of the rides were slow and childish while others were dark and scary. One of my fondest memories of the Magic Kingdom was meeting Mickey Mouse, giving goofy a hug and meeting all of

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