
Truthful or Selfish Leadership in the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer

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When the occupation of a religious man is brought into thought, words like honest, humble, forgiving, or righteous are considered to be associated. Words like hard working, truthful, and effective are brought up when talking about a supervisor. These traits are needed in order to become a high-quality leader among men. From time to time though, selfishness corrupts men. Chaucer criticizes the trait of selfishness as a character trait in The Canterbury Tales.
The Friar was a member of the clergy. The clergy is a class made up of members of the church, so he was held to a higher standard. His life was supposed to be devoted to God and his works. He selfishly put his greed and plans before the expectations from the church. People …show more content…

When he wrote the records down, he would write two sets. One set was for his master to see and admire, and the other was for the Reeve’s eyes only. He cheated his master of money and got away with it. He knew the nicer the numbers looked, the more money he could keep for himself and his master would reward him of his “hard work”. “And he was under contract to present/ The accounts, right form his master’s earliest years/ No one had ever caught him in his arrears,” (page 112 lines 618-620). Since his master appreciated the “effort” the Reeve put in, the Reeve expected respect by those under him. He was born at the bottom of the social totem pole, and he was determined to fight his way up. He was cruel and feared by his employees, and he didn’t care what toes were stomped on. He knew their tricks because he did the same tricks when he was in their place. “He knew their dodges, knew their every trick; feared like the plague he was, by those beneath,” (page 112 lines 622-623). Many things can cause a person to be selfish, and it all depends on what he wants from his life. Success and money are main contributors that existed in Chaucer’s and the modern world. When there is an expectation to be fulfilled and it’s ignored, there is only self-interest in mind. The writer of The Canterbury Tales is sarcastic when it came to the description of the shortages the characters face, and he would criticizes

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