
Tsar Alexander Ii

Decent Essays

Question: “His measures of reform did not disguise his belief in the need to maintain autocratic rule.” To what extent do you agree with this point of view?

Tsar Alexander II had many reforms. He was an autocratic ruler who began his reforms in Russia in 1855. Some claim that his reforms were proof of his liberal attitude and others argue that he was primarily a traditionalist, this essay will explore to what extent both of arguments are accurate depictions of “The last great tsar.”
When Alexander II came to power he was already faced with a series of problems, the Crimean war (1854-56) being a key one. Russia’s defeat in the Crimean war resulted in the realization that Russia was in fact a backward nation, and in need of …show more content…

This reform encouraged a sense of responsibility within the peasant population and helped them to see they did not always have to rely on the Tsar to do things for them. The Zemstva also promoted a way of thinking that allowed people to trust that their opinions and concerns mattered and were going to be taken care of. Due to road building being improved Russia took a step forward towards advocating urbanization and a more modern nation was in the process of being formed. This urbanization meant that Russia could try and create a middle class, and therefore make Russia more industrialized.
Another major reform happened in the educational systems. Alexander II was brought up in a liberal manner, he was taught subjects such as philosophy (by his tutor Pobodonostev) in which one would learn about things such as ethics. This means that it’s plausible to think that Alexander II genuinely wanted to promote a liberal attitude, and this is reflected in the educational reforms. Under Alexander’s rule universities in Russia became easier to get into, which meant more people went to university. In addition to this the attendance of secondary school children doubled, and children were starting to be taught more western subjects.
On the other hand people believe that Alexander’s II reforms were just a disguise to maintain autocratic rule, and hide his true

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