
Tsarism Research Paper

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The most significant reason that Tsarism failed in 1917 was its failure to modernise in the centuries before. The Tsars ruled the largest empire on earth, with the same medieval muscovite ideas that Ivan ‘the terrible’ had brought in during the 16th century. The early rulers of Muscovy considered the entire Russian territory their collective property. Various semi-independent princes still claimed specific territories, but Ivan III forced the lesser princes to acknowledge the grand prince of Muscovy and his descendants as unquestioned rulers with control over military, judicial, and foreign affairs. Gradually, the Muscovite ruler emerged as a powerful, autocratic ruler, a tsar. By assuming that title, the Muscovite prince underscored that he was a major ruler or emperor on a par with the emperor of the Byzantine Empire or the Mongol khan. In the coronation oath of Tsar Nicholas, the Tsar’s …show more content…

The autocracy remained as it had been for thousands of years. The collapse of the Romanov dynasty came from this inability to deal with modernisation and change. The regime itself had become static despite any attempts to bring Tsarism into the modern era. This meant that it was in the very nature of Tsarism the reason for its downfall, leading to an inevitable collapse. It was a fatally flawed dictatorship from the reign of Ivan III because of its inflexibility and inability to cope with change. It was from this crucial part of its nature that dissatisfaction with the regime grew from which was instrumental with bring about the downfall. Dissatisfaction was the reason many Russian intelligentsias became revolutionaries. The regime had reached an impasse, it was not in its nature to reform and modernise, but that was what was needed for its survival. When to this was added an erosion of moral standing, Rasputin, the first world war, and Nicholas himself as ruler, the collapse was

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