
Twitter In The Classroom Analysis

Decent Essays

The idea of incorporating Twitter into the classroom is a growing idea among both students and teachers. While the popular social media site may seem like a place for people to tweet about random things, such as how their day is going or where they are going for lunch, Twitter also has the capability to benefit students outside of the classroom. Many k-12 teachers and college professors have begun to use Twitter to keep students engaged and stay up-to-date on what is going on with the school, as well as increase communication between both students and teachers. When used correctly, Mary Bart argues that Twitter has the ability to increase learning outside of the classroom.
In the article “Professors Use Twitter to Increase Student Engagement and Grades,” Mary Bart discusses how Professor Reynol Junco conducted a study with students in his first year seminar course to determine whether or not Twitter can provide academic benefits. Junco used 70 students in the experimental group and 50 students in the control group. The experiment took place …show more content…

Not only can students continue sharing ideas outside of the classroom, teachers are able to join in with conversations and possibly create stronger relationships with his or her students. Bart explains that when asked about the experiment, Junco reports that he was not only surprised by the differences in GPA’s, he was also surprised by the student involvement. According to Professor Junco, while students may not interact much in class, students often went above and beyond expectations in online discussions. Not only did conversations become more in-depth, shy students who often did not speak in class became much more involved via Twitter. Bart explains that many students do not feel comfortable speaking out loud in public, however, they feel much more comfortable sharing ideas

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