
Two Great Schism Essay

Satisfactory Essays

There were actually two great schisms, and both contributed to the protestant reformation. The first happened in 1054, and began as many conflicts did in those days, with an invasion. The Norman invasion of Sicily and Rome took place in ____ And Pope Leo IX and some dude named Arygos or sonthing raised an army together (Basically for the pope and for the emporer) to combat the Norman threat. However, there were already high tensions happening in the catholic churches between the byzentine empire and the Holy roman version. The Byzentine or greek peeps who mainly resided in Greece and Italy after conquering it (Evne though Byrentyne was at a very differnt place closer to the middle east) had some issues with how the romans ran the christian religion. Thy did things differently, and so cultures obviously clashed. The main issue was that one of the leaders of the byzentine version of christianty was a dude named klaryguls or something and he wasn’t into arygos so when arygos raised an army with the pope to combat the normans, he was petty and banned some latin churches. The pope, in exile, defeated and captured by the Normans, couldn;t do much as he was under house arest. So Klaryguls sent him a letter and was like bread, you’re doing it wrong. You need to take euchrist with leavened bread. I don’t like how you do it with unleavened bread. You’re a bad influence on my people. And the Pope was like hell nah …show more content…

And so then He had all the latin worshipers leave for their safety, and the southern italians burned a copy of the doccument and beliveed the three people to be sent by arygos and negated their accusations. This created a major rift between Eastern Orthodox and Western Papacy, and added to a long list of

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