
Two Kinds By Amy Tan Analysis

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Parental interaction is very important in the growth of a child’s development of the brain, which has an effect on the child’s identity. The way parents act and interact will affect the child’s future decision-making and psychological development. Different types of interactions in an author’s childhood usually have big impacts on how they write throughout their career. It is also the same with any other child, the certain types of behavior from parent to child are directly correlated to the way they act or become in the future as they develop more. In the story “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan, the author writes her personal experience of how her mother’s own personality and beliefs were projected onto her daughter to become a perfect idol such as being …show more content…

Many times these are the things that drive them away from the things that they actually are interested in and things that their good at. Most times the kids are not that interested in those dreams and have their own personal identity that they wish they could present. To connect with this theory, in Two Kinds by Amy Tan, Tan writes how the mother of Jing Mi reiterates Jing to trying her best but also suggesting activities that Jing wasn’t interested in. After seeing many Asians accomplishing big things from being a pianist to a three-year-old child reciting all the capitals in the fifty states, Jing mother’s expectations for her were nothing less than that. Jing knew that her mother wanted nothing but the best for her, but Jing flat out knew that these things wouldn’t make her happy even if she was good at them. In “Two Kinds” Jing explodes all her emotions after holding everything inside. All of her emotions were bottled up until one certain moment. Fail after fail trying to live up to her mom’s expectations, Jing realized that none of the things that her mother was making her do will further herself in being an individual. Moments before the meltdown, Jing sees her mother’s face after failing to come to her expectations and begins to cry and storm to the bathroom. “The girl staring back at me was angry, powerful. This girl and I were the same. I had new thought, willful thought, or rather thoughts filled with lots of won’t. I won’t let her change me, I promised myself. I won’t be what I’m not.”(74) Here is the moment where Jing realizes that trying to live up to her mother’s expectations won’t help her. Jing realizes that by trying to do all these things, she isn’t being herself or trying to do things that she enjoys. After this event, Jing forms her own identity by not trying to

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