
Two Photographs Capture Women's Economic Misery By Lydia Wheeler

Decent Essays

Thinking Critically about “Two Photographs Capture Women’s Economic Misery” In Lydia Wheeler’s essay “Two Photographs Capture Women’s Economic Misery”, Wheeler shows how two photographs can evoke the emotional side and suffering of people. She uses two photographs to create analysis, Stephen Crowley’s “Isabel Bermudez, who has two daughters and no income” and Dorothea Lange’s famous photograph titled “Migrant Mother”. Wheeler wants to help “visualize the human suffering involved in economic conditions” (Wheeler, 143). Also, the author uses photographic elements to create analysis to make the reader have a better understanding about the topic. Subsequently, Wheeler uses photographic elements such as focus, orientation, framing, and shape. For instance, in Crowley’s photograph, Wheeler points out on how those elements “emphasize this vanished wealth and emotional pain” (Wheeler 143). Also, the author mentions the use of Crowley’s orientation, focus, and framing and how it those elements contribute to the audience’s understanding of the photograph. In addition, Wheeler illustrates how the focus on Isabel’s crying eyes attracts the viewers as well as the space. According to Wheeler, “the space between Bermudez and her daughter is one of the photograph’s dominant features” (Wheeler 146). On the other hand, in …show more content…

However, I would include the use of color in the photographs. For instance, in Lange’s “Migrant Mother” the black and white picture creates a sad and depressed mood due to the colors. Subsequently, I would also compare the children portrayed in the photographs and how they interact with their mothers. Also, I would also compare the different times periods from the two photographs. For example, “Migrant Mother” is a well known photograph that took place in the Great Depression and “Isabel Bermudez’ took place in 2010 and was published in a New York Times

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