
Tybalt Violence Quotes

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Romeo and Juliet: Tybalt and the Fight You could say that William Shakespeare can show the value of an aggressive character, but Fedor Emelianenko does as well. He says, “ A fighter, a real strong fighter, should always look dignified and calm, and I believe that any expression of aggression is an expression of weakness.” (BrainyQuote). Although William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is a well known love story, many people don’t think that there is any violence or fights in the story which takes the attention off of some characters such as Tybalt. Tybalt can be known as an aggressive, mean, and cocky character. Tybalt shows his aggressive behavior in many ways in Romeo and Juliet, he stands out as an aggressive character when fights Mercutio, shows his aggressive behavior through actions he displays, also when he insults Mercutio, but when he is compared to Benvolio’s calm and peaceful behavior. …show more content…

Earlier in the story the Prince said if there was anymore fights in the streets of Verona the people involved in the fight would be killed. With Tybalt knowing that he said that, it did not stop him from fighting Mercutio. Tybalt also continued to show his aggressiveness by insulting Mercutio saying, “Thou, wretched boy, that didst consort him/ here, Shalt with him hence.” (Shakespeare 3.1.137). When this happens, it shows his aggressive

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