
Types Of Searches And Seizures

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Being able to locate physical evidence from a civilian must be done with some sort of search and seizure. There are many types of searches and seizures done with or without a warrant which can be a big factor to case if done correctly. Warrantless searches have three purposes, the safety of the police officer and seize weapons from any harm. To also seize weapons from any harm into resisting arrest or to be able to flee, lastly to prevent the destruction of evidence or concealment. There is also consent searches where one waives their right to privacy under the Fourth Amendment, giving the right to an officer to search and seize any belonging seem fit for either harm to an officer or the public. Last there is probable cause searches and …show more content…

Seeing that there was illegal actions being taken and hiding of contraband being heard it cleared the part of not having to obtain a warrant by a judge or magistrate. Thus without these steps of illegal activity and making ones presence be known by a police officer of entering one, a police officer would have to have a warrant or the consent of one waiving their Fourth Amendment to be able to have a search or seizure be conducted. Consent A consent search is one waiving their Fourth Amendment right to have a search or seizure be conducted and still be taken with any penalties if found anything. Jacinta A. Gau explains in Consent Searches as a Threat to Procedural Justice and Police legitimacy: An Analysis of Consent Requests During Traffic Stops, how there are many traffic stops every year and within those traffic stops many searches and seizure are being conducted, but from those searches and seizures they are mainly from giving consent. Many of the consent searches and seizure are given from either the fear of saying no will indicate hiding something or the fact that many do not know their rights to be able to say no, or an officer not being able to make it clear from one being able to not give consent. “Police officers are not required to inform citizens of their right to withhold consent and refuse a search, though

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