
U.s. Senate On Health, Education, And Public Welfare Of American Citizens

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The U.S. Senate on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) committee was initiated in 1869 and took on several names to include the Committee on Education, the Education and Labor committee, and in 1999, it assumed its current name (”U.S. Senate Committee on Health,” n.d.). The purpose of the HELP committee is to comprehensively study and review concerns related to the health, education and training, and public welfare of American citizens. The committee reviews all proposed legislation, messages, and memorials along with other matters relating to twenty different subjects ranging from aging, equal employment opportunity, mediation and arbitration of labor disputes’, to public health, student loans, and wages and hours of labor (”U.S. …show more content…

If both the Senate and the House pass the bill, it is then sent to the president for his signature leading to the bill becoming a law (United States Senate, n.d.).
The HELP committee is comprised of twenty-two senators, for which there are no vacancies on the committee at this time, to include the following: REPUBLICANS BY RANK
• Lamar Alexander (TN)
• Michael B. Enzi (WY)
• Richard Burr (NC)
• Johnny Isakson (GA)
• Rand Paul (KY)
• Susan Collins (ME)
• Lisa Murkowski (AK)
• Mark Kirk (IL)
• Tim Scott (SC)
• Orrin Hatch (UT)
• Pat Roberts (KS)
• Bill Cassidy, M.D. (LA) DEMOCRATS BY RANK • Patty Murray (WA)
• Barbara Mikulski (MD)
• Bernie Sanders (VT)
• Robert P. Casey, Jr (PA)
• Al Franken (MN)
• Michael F. Bennet (CO)
• Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)
• Tammy Baldwin (WI)
• Christopher S. Murphy (CT)
• Elizabeth Warren (MA) Republican Senator Lamar Alexander is the chairman of HELP, and his respective duties include the following:
• determining the agenda of the committee
• deciding which bills, resolutions, or matters will be considered
• summoning committee members collectively to perform its duties
• overseeing and upholding order of committee meetings
• deciding which questions of order will be subjected to repeal
• superintending and guiding the committee staff • organizing, or supervising the organization of reports of the committee for submissions to the appropriate

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