
[UNK] By Patricia Mccormick Analysis

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Things do not always happen the way they were planned, especially when one is unfamiliar with the new world that has been placed around them. The novel S old, b y Patricia McCormick, begins with a young girl named Lakshmi, living in a small village in Nepal with her mother, baby brother, and an unworthy step­father. Even though she is dreadfully poor, she is happy and lives a life of wonder and imagination with her best friend, but all too soon, everything changes when the monsoons destroy the family crops. The story continues with Lakshmi leaving to earn money to support her family and learning an unbelievable truth: she has been sold into prostitution. This novel taught me the importance of making sacrifices for loved ones and finding companions …show more content…

Finally she is left no choice and decides she “would endure a hundred punishments to be free of [the brothel home]” (McCormick 260). She says “[she] will be with all the men... any man, every man” if it means she can pay off her debt to Mumtaz and leave (McCormick 227). Lakshmi does this in order to “send [her] wages home” so her family “will have money enough for rice and curds, milk and sugar” (McCormick 49). In this novel, I learn from Lakshmi that unthinkable things will be done in an effort to provide for loved ones.
Friendship is hard to find, even in a place of comfort. Somehow, Lakshmi finds this friendship in the most unmerciful of places. As Lakshmi adapts at her new cruel living space, she is, at first, not fond of the girls who live there. Lakshmi, unfamiliar with their ways, asks “how they can eat and laugh and carry on as normal when soon the men will come” (McCormick 91). However, throughout her journey at the brothel home, the girls “have been nothing but kind to [her]”, and “[teach her] everything [she] need[s] to know to survive” (McCormick 208). Not only are they kind to her as a newcomer, but also after she has endured what they do to make money. They give her “a cup of tea and a leftover heel of bread” knowing what it is like to be in her position and that nothing can make up for it (McCormick 128). When Lakshmi finally has a chance to leave, she hesitates, for “[she] cannot walk away from [her]... friend” (McCormick 262). She does not want to leave her behind after everything they have been through. Even though her conditions in the brothel were disturbingly gruesome, she found friends among the girls around her. I learned that no matter how difficult the situation, a friend can be found to better the

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