
Ukraine Economy and Politics

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The average workers in Ukraine are most likely in the labor market in agriculture, pharmaceutics, FMCG, and industries such as chemicals and more. The unemployment rate in Ukraine is 8%, which has increased, compared to the last couple of years. Their working conditions are very similar to the United States. Holidays for them are 24 calendar days of annual vacation plus addition vacation days and the payroll taxes start at 36.7% to 49.7%. Ukraine payroll payouts twice every month and the minimum salary is strictly regulated by the government. Employee benefits are insurance, car, fitness, and more, also the normal working hours are 8 hours per day. Healthcare in Ukraine is weak because the lack of medical facilities and medicines. Healthcare is supposedly free and all employed citizens contribute to the healthcare system. After some research it was found that monthly the average person makes about 3189 UAH, which would equal to 269 US dollars. Ukraine’s GDP in 2013 was 337.4 billion US dollars according to the CIA. Ukraine’s working conditions for the average worker seems to be highly repressed. They rank number 155 in economic freedom by country. Benefits for the public are the same as the United States. Education is free and kids start at age 6 and go through 12 years of education before post-education. They also have public welfare to the people, which do not have, pension entitlements and disables people. In the past twenty years, Ukraine has increasingly developed

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