
Unconditional Religious Freedom In The Colonies

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The colonies of Massachusetts, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island relate to each other in the sense that each colony had some sort of religious freedom, whether it be conditional or unconditional. Massachusetts was religiously intolerant but allowed for Puritans, Pilgrims, and Separatists to come to their land and practice their religion because it fits with what they believed. Maryland was a little more tolerant than Massachusetts, the colony stated that you could have religious freedom if you believed in the holy trinity, with the religion you practiced, so it’s an example of a conditional religious freedom. Pennsylvania and Rhode Island are the two colonies out of these four that had unconditional religious freedom. The colonies were different from each other in the sense of whether or not they were tolerant of different religions or not, but they compared in the sense that they had some sort of religious freedoms.
Massachusetts was a colony founded by William Bradford and other pilgrims, who originally came to the “new world” to practice their religion. The Puritans and the Separatists were among them and they were welcomed into the colony because their religion matched up with those that founded that colony. The Puritans believed that only true believers could reside in the colony, and if they did not, they would be kicked out, people there could have also been kicked out if they spoke out against the core beliefs of the colony. The core beliefs of the colony

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