
Underrepresentation In STEM

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The underrepresentation of women in STEM is a problem in which I harbor particularly strong feelings, as female scientists are typically neither recognized nor celebrated for their scientific contributions. Young girls with dreams of being scientists find few role models as male figureheads historically dominate STEM fields, teaching women that this is not a suitable field of study.
When asked about female scientists, most people identify Marie Curie. Marie Curie was a brilliant woman, discovering two elements of the periodic table, Radium and Polonium, as well as winning Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and Physics. However, most people know her simply as the woman who died from her radioactive experiments.
Ada Lovelace worked with Charles Babbage to develop what would become the first computer by writing the algorithms needed to make computers work. She checked Babbage’s work and found errors in his system, helping to design the computer. Lovelace is considered the first …show more content…

Franklin’s work was published after her male counterparts and they were awarded a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, after utilizing her discoveries for the basis of their work. As a female, she was considered to be in a supporting role, instead of more properly, the lead scientist that she was.
The underrepresentation of women in STEM is important to me because I am a woman who wants to work in a STEM field. I want to explore and study Biology and Physiology in order to discover the causes of death. I want to make a difference in helping to eradicate diseases or to bring closure to families by helping to solve crimes. I have taken upper-level STEM courses and was dismayed to find that my classmates were predominately male; males who were diametrically opposed to allowing females to lead experiments do so as this is how they have been educated and conditioned to accept as the

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