
Understanding Inflammatory Bowel Disease In Pet

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Understanding Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Pets

Research: Meta Description: Inflammatory bowel disease in dogs and cats is unpleasant and can even be fatal; arm yourself with the facts.
Meta Key Words: Inflammatory bowel disease, IBD, IBD in dogs, IBD in cats

Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Pets and Companion Animals
Inflammatory bowel disease or IBD is actually not just one disease, but a catchall term for a group of gastrointestinal diseases that result in the inflammation of the gastrointestinal system and a variety of symptoms. This is true for both dogs and cats. And, while the exact cause of …show more content…

The food allergens thought to trigger the condition include meat proteins, milk proteins, artificial coloring or other additives and preservatives and gluten from wheat and other grains. Some dog breeds are more likely to develop IBD than others. These include French bulldogs, Irish setters, lundehunds, and basenjis.
Signs and Effects of IBD in Pets
Cats and dogs both exhibit similar symptoms when struggling with IBD. Common signs of IBD in pets are vomiting diarrhea, weight loss, abnormal appetite, and lack of energy, blood in the stool, flatulence, borborygmus, or a rumbling in the guts, depression, fatigue, abdominal pain, and distressed coat.
Diagnosis of IBD
Unfortunately, getting a definitive diagnosis of IBD can be very difficult. Many of the signs and symptoms of IBD mirror those of a great many other diseases. Your veterinarian will want to get a detailed history from you and as much information as you can give them regarding the symptoms you’ve observed, their duration, and severity. They are then likely to run a series of blood tests and examine your pet’s feces. An ultrasound or X-rays may be order to check on the status of other organs. Metabolic disease, parasitic infection, bacterial infection, some types of cancers, and (in the case of cats) feline leukemia will all need to be ruled out prior to a diagnosis. A food trial utilizing a hypoallergenic diet bay be

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