
Understanding Safeguarding of Children and Young People

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516 1.1) The policies, procedures and practices for safe working with children and young people all stem from the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman by Ian Huntley. From this horrific act of evil the Safeguarding Vulnerable Group Act 2006 was born (see evidence ‘6’ – 520 1.3). Another public enquiry was set up to address the failure of the law after the death of Victoria Climbié. Within this enquiry, Lord Laming called for changes to be made in child protection policies. From this there was a new incentive born called ‘Every Child Matters’ in 2003. This became one of the most far reaching policy incentives to be released in the last 10 years. It covers children and young adults up to the age of 19 or 24 for those with …show more content…

Neglect is likely to result in the child’s health or development becoming impaired. The physical signs of neglect could be – The child or young person being constantly hungry, sometimes stealing food from other children. Being smelly or dirty Loss of weight or being constantly underweight Inappropriate clothing for the weather conditions Changes in behaviour that can indicate neglect can be – Constant tiredness Not attending medical needs and/or failing to attend appointments Being few friends Mentioning being left alone or unsupervised. 516 2.2) The actions that need to be taken is there is suspicion of a child or young person is being subjected to or alleges abuse are to follow your organisations policies and procedures which are already in place and also follow the local authority 's safeguarding protocols. Along with the policies and procedures within your setting, you must remember that any suspicion or allegations could lead on a criminal investigation so you must not do anything to jeopardise any police investigation. You must not ask any child any leading questions to attempt to investigate any allegations yourself. You must remember to keep a full record of information about the child and the allegation including names,

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