
Understanding The Cultural Context And Impact Of Computer Games

Good Essays

Task 2-Understanding the Cultural Context and Impact of Computer Games

This essay will be examining the cultural position of computer games and how the relationship between computer games and the older forms/methods of media it will hopefully explore fully the public’s perception of computer games and how the perception has evolved and how are games used today in many ways to help people do different things.
The cultural effects of video gaming when we all think of video games today there is most likely one thing that pops into our head which we 'll conjure up image either from the different platforms but there 's always the famous one of Mario stomping on the baddies heads with the classic tune playing in the background …show more content…

Lewis Johnson” president and the chief scientist of Alelo. From their site, they have many different courses in which the British and US military are using in their training.
A business training tool
Companies have now got video games to help executives with learning the acumen which is an alternate universe as used by in the intricately designed game called "EVE" this is a massively multiplayer game which is set in a science fiction galaxy which lets the play select a profession and the game lets the player hone some skills set which include the leadership or strategizing capabilities which the company require.
A therapeutic device
Research has now shown that games can be repurposed to make them profitable in the business industry but also, they are/can be effective in the medical sector "initially the thought was that it forms of entertainment but we realized that games could be very effective tools for pain management" "Kristin Lindsay" the coordinator of "Child 's Play" charity which is a primary goal of enriching the lives of the children in hospitals in the UK.

Pawns of the games: the current state of games based on research
In Europe and America games have at times garnered a disproportionate share of attention in the media as they become very pawn in a culture war and waged by the conservatives, as many critics social researchers and media scholars agree this kind of

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