
Understanding The Four Social Work Values

Decent Essays

The four global social work values according to Ashman (2011) are “(1) primary importance of the individual (2) Respect and appreciation for differences (3) Commitment to social justice and the well-being of all in society (4) Willingness to persist despite frustration” (Ashman, 2011, p. 452).
I do see these social work values fitting in with social work values, as I currently understand them. I think that the social worker values is the same but different culture interpret it differently and because of that, social workers have to be aware of that. Social workers have to be aware of cultural competency because it very importance when dealing with people with different background and culture. According to Jansson (2012), it is very important that social workers be linked to the American welfare state so that they will able to utilize their resources and know the different regulations in order to get through certain situations when there is an opposition in the way (p. 17-18). They have to know how to …show more content…

He is advocating for change and he is urging individual especially Mexican to rise up to the change and fight for change instead of staying cope up in their houses and waiting for someone else to do it. An example of this is in the city of Galena, Chihuahua where a member was kidnapped and the decided to do something about it. Instead of doing something violence, he decided to take the non-violent approach and got together with communities member where they organized a sit-in at the central park which eventually got the brother released. All it took was one individual to stand up for something that he believed in and was committed to see his caused through and it worked out for him. With persistence, he was able to accomplish his goal and his brother was release without there being any violence

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