
Understanding The Yellow Wallpaper

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Understanding The Yellow Wallpaper

There are more reported cases of clinical depression in women than their are in men. There is also, generalized in western cultures, a stereotype that women are fragile and should be more dedicated to maintaining the home, doing feminine things, that they shouldn't work, and be discouraged from intellectual thinking. In the Victorian period (1837-1901) aside from women's suffragette movements the Victorian woman usually upheld this stereotype of a well behaved wife, more or less a possession then an individual. However, there were a few who defied the odds and took it to heart to let the world know about the indifference's that they went through. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, feminist, was one of …show more content…

The author of the story, Charlotte Perkins Gilman was born in July 3, 1860, in Hartford. Charlotte Perkins Gilman is an important figure in feminist activism and literature. Her father was Frederick Perkins, who was an editor and a librarian. Frederick Perkins, however abandoned the family when Gilman was only a baby. In the years to come the only real contact he had with his daughter was that he provided her with book lists." Gilman's relationship with her mother proved similarly peculiar, for her mother knowingly abstained from affection. In addition, Gilman was prevented by her mother from reading fiction or developing strong friendships"(Stone). The only company that Gilman found herself around was her relatives, Harriet Beecher Stowe or Catherine Beecher and Isabella Hooker (feminist activists) However, against her mothers ~Arishes she grew a love for books. Before Gilmans early twenties she taught as a teacher, she soon married though, an artist by the name of Walter Stetson. "Within a year of marrying, and after having given birth to a daughter, Gilman entered into her profound depression"(Stone).

Gilman was married twice in her life, the first time developing this so called psychoneurosies after the birth of her daughter. "In 1887 Charlotte Perkins Gilman placed herself under the care of Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, a

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