
Understanding Trust In China And The West By David De Cremer

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Understanding trust, in China and the West
In contemporary society, trust becomes an essential role in people’s lives, no trust means no great relationships. And different cultural background has different thinking of trust. According to the article “Understanding trust, in China and the West”, by David De Cremer. The author mentioned that it is not easily to build great relationships with others without trust, and he gives us three examples to explain it. And David also said that “Trust is usually defined as a positive expectation that the other party will act in honest and benevolent ways, reducing the fear that one may be exploited” (David). In the end, there are some ways that can help western businesspeople to establish trust with Chinese …show more content…

Because trust can let more people believe you, and make them buy more product that you sold. For example, once I bought a laptop from the Best Buy in the U.S. After two weeks, the laptop’s keyboard was broken, I take this laptop back to the Best Buy store, then the seller decided to change a new one for me, that made me feel happy. Because if you are in China, some stores are not like the Best Buy that when your products have some troubles, you do not have a chance to get a new product, they will give you some solutions, like returning your trouble products back to the factory, and they will fix your products, and this process will be long that you need to wait about 1 month. Due to this event, I become more believe the Best Buy, and I bought some electronics from it, such as earphones, cell phones, and other products. And this is why the Best Buy becomes a successful and popular electronics store that a lot of people buy its products. So, I totally agree with the author’s view that trust plays an important role during the business process, and if we want to succeed, you must make more people believe

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