
Essay on Undisclosed Desires for Nellie Washington

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It wasn't too hot or too cold, it was the perfect weather. I lifted my hands over my head and took a deep breath. The grass was slightly moist from the rain last night. I stepped out into the bright sunlight, urging my muscles to wake up. Fall was literally around the corner and I was trying to enjoy the last few days of summer before the leaves started turning brown and everyone brought out the pumpkins and turkeys. I glanced at my watch and read the time. I had thirty minutes before school and I hadn't done anything to get ready. I hadn't even brushed my teeth yet or made my bed. I woke up, rubbed my eyes and came out onto the front porch. I had a valid excuse for waking up and going outside though, I wanted to catch her …show more content…

"Car troubles?" I'd say just to break the ice.

Nellie would look at me and smile. "You're an angel, Ian!" She would say in delight or something like that.

And in my fantasy, she'd have on a skirt that showed off her killer legs. No, I was not some pervert. I just thought Nellie Washington would look sexy in a skirt. Since I had never seen her in one, I couldn't really picture her as well as I wanted to.

But this was not fantasy, it was reality and in reality Nellie was wearing grey skinny jeans and a grey t-shirt with some weird blue police box on it. It was the kind of shirt you saw on comic book nerds.

As this is reality, and Nellie is a very responsible girl for her age, her car came to life and I was instantly disappointed. She pulled out of her garage and onto the empty street after she look both ways five times. I watched as she zoomed off down the road and headed over to the mailbox. There was nothing inside for me. Most of it was for my dad, a couple were for my mom and there was one for Matt, my younger twin brother.

I hoped he hadn't gotten the last bit of Nutella.

Matt was sitting at the kitchen table shoveling spoonfuls of cereal, muffins and cups of orange juice in his mouth when I walked in.

"Damn." He muttered as a bit of orange juice fell on him.

"Good thing you're

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