
Unemployment In Riverside City

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According to city sources, the city of Riverside is a place filled with early history dating back as early as 1870. Some of the city’s early history includes the citrus market, which helped the city prosper from being just another small town. Yet, today, the city finds itself struggling with unemployment rates. Regardless of the fact, the city continues to find ways to expand its horizons and live its pride of being a city of ‘Arts and Innovation’ ( With innovation comes great opportunities of employment to continue prosperity, however it does not eliminate the fact that unemployment may still be a problem for residents. Records indicate that of the total 330,000 civilians residing in the city, 132,000 (40%) are reported to …show more content…

The reported data indicates that 39,600 individuals (30%) within the city civilian workforce, remain unemployed due to cyclical unemployment. This means that these individuals are still struggling to find work, regardless of lack of skills, and may be due to financial hardships the city may still be enduring. It is a fact that, irrelevant of the type of unemployment, families within the city are still enduring the hardships of unemployment. These hardships may be contributing factors for deterrence of their faith, and even more so, for their will to keep searching for their life purpose. It is in times like this, that we must help our brethren in need. After all, the command is roots from the Scriptures themselves; “For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body…” (Corinthians 12, NKJV). The impact in numbers is presented in Figure 1 below, which perhaps can be decreased to the natural rate of unemployment (5% – 6%) as reported by the Labor Market Division for the year 2015 and early 2016 ( It can be concluded that it is not unfamiliar for the economy of the city of Riverside to operate close to the natural rate of unemployment, and that it only requires a bit more attention on the unemployment rates it is currently experiencing. Figure 1. A pie chart showing each type of unemployment, validating that frictional unemployment has the leading numbers of 55%. A percentage that may perhaps be easily decreased if the proper resources are introduced to better connect workers with firms, and firms with

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