
Unhealthy Lifestyle Simulations

Decent Essays

Through playing this simulation, I was taken aback on lifestyle, the stress I got from just playing this game, and the realization that people have to live through this. In my opinion, if a person works a 40+ hour week they should be able to make enough money to live. It was astounding to me how many decisions where thrown at me and even worse was that they were all plausible. From the car breaking down, child getting sick, food, responsibilities to the work, and not to mention any other financial responsibly. It came to point where all the decisions were financial dependent and my eyes would dart to see how much was in my balance and the thing that gets me, is that even though I didn’t go to a concert with my friends, got the lowest insurance …show more content…

It astounds me how stressful this lifestyle is. The facts such as housing is usually 30 percent of income but the American households usually spend way more on housing, or almost 15 percent of American households had a hard time getting enough to eat at some point during 2012. Even though I did the simulation multiple times I did make it to the end of the month but I couldn’t get further than the first month because my bank account would be below $50 every time. I think it’s ridiculous that although a person works a stable, full time job, they should be able to live a life that isn’t in a constant state of worry. Worry of when the next thing will come up, if hours will be cut at a job, how much food can you actually afford, or if your boss will illegally fire you because of you were seen talking to a unionizer. Through the simulation, I had to make decisions solely regarding the monetary of it all, sometimes disregarding health needs and safety and even if I save and decline all opportunities of leisure for myself and the child, I still seem unable to make next month’s rent. The only way I can even imagine possible to make next month’s rent is by completely skimping and denying everything whittling life down to the bare necessities and a monetary value, and at that point, what life is that to

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