
Uniform Prudent Investor Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Although not exhaustive, thus far my research has resulted in most writers touting the improvements achieve by the changes that gave trustees discretion to invest in products or not to invest as well as immunized such trustees from liability (California began adopting these changes in 1996, Uniform Prudent Investor Act*). In other words, every writer was excited by the liberalization of the conservative rules. While there is more to read, one conclusion was consistently raised by all writers.

The courts will prefer to apply directions the Settlor (you) provides.(**See notes below) Thus, if we write that the overarching principals of the administration of your trust after you have passed would be conservative low risk, income producing investments, a court would, in all likelihood, construe that as a mandate to the trustee.(**See notes below) Such investments might be low cost, diversified index funds or government bonds. However, if the court likes the results the Trustee achieved (i.e., they made profits consistently over time and their was little risk to the principle), it might disregard a failure of the Trustee to adhere to the Settlor's …show more content…

Would that be acceptable? Then we can supplement your instructions to the the Trustee over time with letters and tools.

One book that explained conservative investing in a simple, easy to follow manner was the Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School, by Andrew Hallam. (I listened to it on Audible.)(text is available from

On another note, I am not sure if I remembered to send you the power point on the TSPs so I have attached it to this email as well. Please see if you can get a copy of the 2017 version of this

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