
Unit 1 Health And Social Care Demographic Analysis

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There are a number of demographic factors which help planners in the health and social care sector. These demographic factors successfully plan and prioritise services and to implement resources to meet the needs of the population. Below I have included a brief description on each of the demographic factors.
The first demographic factor is disability. In accordance to GOVERNMENT.UNITED KINGDOM a disability refers to a “physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.” ( - 14/10/2016) An example of a physical disability includes service users that are wheelchair bound. However, a mental disability …show more content…

Many figures, graphs and statistics show the level of rise in the population. The impact of the ageing population on health and social care services is hard to predict. The ageing population of Northern Ireland is causing an increase in the costs needed for effectiveness. This creates various social opportunities for service users in the area. There are a number of factors that suggest the ageing population will increase costs. Age can be defined as “a period of human life, measured by years from birth, usually marked by a certain stage or degree of mental or physical development and involving legal responsibility and capacity” ( - …show more content…

This came about after the baby boom. This is “a temporary marked increase in the birth rate, especially the one following the Second World War.” ( - 14/09/2016) However, the increase in the population decreased due to the falling rate of fertility. Afterwards, the population then began to grow, however declined a further time in 1990’s once more. The baby boom endured an increase in the ageing population. This was due to the decrease in fertility, as well as the improvement of longevity. Older service users are living longer for many reasons including advanced medical care and

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