
Unit 3 Assignment 1 Doe Script

Satisfactory Essays



Timezone: Central Time Zone

How many hours can you spend moderating the server?: 12-14 Hours, maybe more after school is over.

What languages do you speak fluently? (Not partially): English,Spanish

How long have you played on the Network?: 1 week

Have you ever been banned on our Network? (If so state why): No, I have not been banned on this Network

Do you have/use a microphone?: Yes, not a very good one doe

Do you have/use teamspeak?: No, but i do have other app's to contact me.

Have you had any previous moderating experience? (If so name the server and the player-base): No

Why do you think you should be a moderator?: I Think i should become a moderator because, I am very active as i see you have a large player base, so i could help around controlling player's and warning them if no staff is around.Also i am a kind guy who is young but mature then other's.I have been playing minecraft for a while now so i have experience of the game.If they are hacking\spamming or breaking a rule then i will get right into handling the problem and give them a consequence if needed. Finally, i am a quite guy who doesn't chat or talk very much, so i'm not support of spamming/ …show more content…

Also in other server i i checked out people don't ban\mute there friend if there braking a rule, so I'm not doe's people even if there my friend i'll still ban\mute then for the better of the server. Also i'm not gonna give a none staff member Opped, and if they keep spamming me then it will be a

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