
Unit 5 Laboratory Quality Control

Decent Essays

Saturday 26th December 2015: Interpretation and QC
The first part of this learning topic, Biovariation and Reference Ranges, was review but many of the examples given were new to me. I found very interesting read about Quality Assurance and Quality Control as they are topics that I know little of. And It was really useful the “Basic Lessons in Laboratory Quality Control” to know more of QC and how to construct and interpret quality control charts.
To report the correct result is essential to have a good program of quality control (the operational techniques and processes that are used to fulfil the needs for quality), quality assurance (the overall systematic monitoring and evaluation of a product or service to ensure that standards of quality are satisfied) and quality assessment (internal or …show more content…

Caffeine can increase renin, catecholamine and free fatty acid levels. Caffeine stimulates the adrenal medulla causing and increased excretion of catecholamines. Caffeine also has a diuretic effect which stimulates the release of renin.
Alcohol consumption can lead to increases in liver enzymes such us γGT, AST and ALT because alcohol is metabolised in the liver. HDL levels increase (possibly due to an increase in the transport rate of apoliproteins A-I and A-II which raises HDL concentration) and serum osmolality (because of an additional substance in the serum). Alcohol reduce serum levels of prescribed drugs (chronic alcohol consumption can active drug-metabolising enzymes which decrease the drug’s availability hence diminishing its effects).
Statins can affect liver enzymes, increase γGT and creatine kinase.
IV fluids – if blood samples are taken from the same arm in which IV fluids were administered then this can cause false levels of some analytes. For example, dextrose can cause increased levels of glucose in blood and urine. Saline can affect electrolyte results, i.e. causing raised levels of sodium and

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