
United States And The Soviet Union

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Amina Abdi AP US History Mr. Sutton 7 April, 2017 DBQ After the World War II, the tension between both the United States and the Soviet Union were extremely high. This mistrust between the two nations led to the Cold War that had lasted approximately 45 years before ending in 1991. Although the war had ended, Americans were still in fear of the spreading of communism that may affect their society as a whole. Americans also feared the Soviet Union’s new technological advances such as the launch of Sputnik in 1957. In response, Eisenhower had increased science and math curriculums in educational programs. However, many other social programs were overshadowed by Eisenhower 's new policies of pouring a large amount of the U.S. government …show more content…

This hysteric continued to spread among the American people as seen in Document C, revealing how far the public’s anxiety went and the extent to which a family is huddled in a bomb shelter with bunkers and canned food supplies, shielding themselves from future nuclear bombs as the Soviet Union began to take advances in technology. Theses factors of establishing investigations, trials, accusations, and bombshells had only intensified the growing fear of communism that Eisenhower did little to obtain. However, Eisenhower had made some progress in improving the issue of the Soviet Union’s technological advance, but to an extent. Americans not only feared the spreading of communism, but also felt threatened by the Soviet Union’s domination of technological advances in missile development and other developments. As Document E presents, the problems with massive retaliation was the large gap in missile development, since the Soviet Union will soon be able to access American missile bases in 35 minutes or less in the near future. Other Soviet advances included, the first Earth satellite launching on October 4, 1957, known as Sputnik. This had also added to the growing anxiety that the Soviet Union was a step ahead of the United States in regards to the space program. In response to the launch of Sputnik, in Document G,

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