
Unwholly Book Report

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The plot of the novel, Unwholly written by Neal Shusterman, is the continuous version of the novel Unwind. It talks about things that were left mysterious to the readers in Unwind and also follows the plot. Unwholly starts with introducing new characters that will be related to Connor, Risa and Lev. In Unwholly, due to the rule of age 17, parents decide to sent their child or children to harvest camp earlier. Unwholly expresses more about the graveyard under Connor’s control and how he handles it. One favorite part of Unwholly is how Neal Shusterman went back to talk about J. T. Nelson. Everyone might have forgotten about him because he was one of the first characters introduced in Unwind and that he was beaten up by Connor, which made him seem unimportant. Nelson …show more content…

For example, Cam was made up from 99 different unwind parts. This should make people feel that he is nothing, but a piece of garbage since he is made out of “garbage” (unwanted). Camus (Cam) is actually the one that felt miserable. He is made and some people may feel him as crazy because his systems were all different. Cam should not be counted as a human, he is not fully, he has no soul. Unlike a normal human, he has different hair and his skin is all different. He contains all the best parts of all unwinds. Making him is terrible because someone is taking others and combining them together by force: this is just like how people thought of the Admiral in the Unwind novel. Everyone thought he was going to take Emby and other kids and get Harlan back to life. This Harlan does not have a human soul, then what makes him a human? Cam is made to show a new form of human (this is non-human). He has an outside, but there is nothing inside. He is just nothing but a graft human. This is terrible to both unwinds and Cam. The graveyard was taken down, many unwinds sacrificed and most were caught. Trace was a good guy, but he was dead due to Starkey not

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