
Us Identity Essay

Decent Essays

The next topic of my course is about identity of US and UK. It is a new topic to me. But, it is our second presentation, so I read it carefully, and after that I understood it quite clearly. In Britain, people seem like do not really care about geography and family identity. Because of geography’s unimportance, they really think contact is an important part of their identity and their social life also. Furthermore, British shows excessive interest in of class differences. They find it difficult to make friend or talk to people from lower or higher classes. Even though they do not give prominence to family identity, but they heighten mother’s role in a family. Like I said in the second paragraph, in modern Britain, people separate politics and …show more content…

Before I learned this lesson, I had already known that America is the largest national economy all over the world, and it can be denied that dollar is the most used currency in the world. Moreover, USA is a country produce various kind of goods. It affects many other countries – especially Asian. This country economy started between 17 and 18 century. In US’s economy, the role of government is also very important. Beside the whole entire nation, they also carry about education and maintain infrastructure. Every single thing that the government do will affect the USA’s economy. In America, the percent of unemployment is very low. Except in great recession, US has a lowest percent of unemployment in history of America in 2000 – over 10%. However, American do not stay long in unemployment, they will find a job to do in this noisy and gaudy urban area. People usually say “American dream” because of these reason. The great recession in USA ended in 2011. The most important role in recovery of US after that crisis is Obama – the certain president of USA. There seems to America heads the list of ranking such as the country has the best education in the world, the country has the best unvisities in the world, the country is on top of technolody. Furthermore, USA has nine over ten best brands in over the world. For all these reasons, I can understand why most foreigner want to invest to this

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