
Use Of A Peer Support Intervention For Promoting Academic Engagement Of Students With Autism

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Use of a Peer Support Intervention for Promoting Academic Engagement of Students with Autism in General Education

Danielle D. Clawson

SED 532
J. Babcock
October 25, 2015


Students with autism spectrum disorder show benefits from being educated in general education classrooms with interactions with typically developing peers. However, behaviors exhibited by students with ASD often lead them back to segregated special education settings. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a simple peer support intervention on minor, disruptive, off-task behaviors of three elementary students with high functioning ASD from three different classrooms.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004) mandates that children with disabilities be educated in general education classrooms with their peers to the maximum extent possible. In addition, the law states that children with disabilities may only be removed from gen ed when the nature or severity of the disability and with the appropriate supports and services, they cannot receive a satisfactory education within the gen ed environment (IDEA 2004). Inclusion is viewed as an appropriate practice for educating children with ASD because of the potential benefits like increased opportunity for social interactions with peers, possibility of developing friendships, gains in communication, social, and adaptive behavior skills, and the participation in

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