
Use Of Film Techniques In The Blind Side

Decent Essays

How are film techniques used to explore the themes in the blind side?

The Blind side is an inspirational movie directed by John Lee Hancock. Hancock explores numerous themes throughout the movie most importantly the importance of family, stereotyping holds people back and success is possible despite a disadvantaged upbringing . He uses a combination of camera shots, lighting and costumes to explore these themes.
There are two scenes that illustrate the theme including the fact that it is possible to be successful despite a bad childhood. The first scene is at the beginning when the director uses a long shot to capture Michael’s clothes and his facial expression and his surroundings. I think that the costume Michael is wearing is very effective because it highlights the fact that Michael’s is disadvantaged. Another theme that shows the audience this theme is when Michael is at the Laundromat and he uses some else’s dryer to dry his only other pair of clothes and he still sits down to takes his book out to study. The camera shots Hancock uses is a medium long shot, he uses this shot to capture the his clothes and his surroundings. John Lee Hancock uses the lighting very effectively in this scene as well, the lighting that he uses in this particular scene are warm and …show more content…

The main film technique used in the scenes that illustrate this theme is camera shots the director uses numerous scenes to express this theme but one of the major one is when the board of the school are discussing about Big Mike’s administration to the school and they don’t believe that Michael can’t improve or succeed. John Lee Hancock uses a medium close up camera shot through the majority of the scene. This shot is used to show the facial expressions of the board. The lighting that he uses in this scene blends in beautifully with the camera shots to show the wealth and the advantage of the

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