
Use Of Irony In Lamb To The Slaughter

Decent Essays

Q.1 The meaning of irony is the expression by using language that usually means the opposite of the meaning or what is being said which is said to be dark humour. ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ by Roald Dahl uses irony when Patrick is hit on the back of the head by a frozen leg of lamb. It is also ironic when the detectives were talking about how finding the weapon would help find the suspect when they were actually eating the weapon. This technique is used by the author in order to add more detail in the story and make it sound more ironic and interesting. This technique makes the story more interesting and mocking so that the reader is more engaged? Q.2 ‘A Daughter’s story’ written by Fatima Moradi is an engaging story because the story includes emotive language that showed how Fatima felt, what her life was like and how unsafe it was in her home when she was in Afghanistan. Fatima and her family lived in Afghanistan …show more content…

As an example ‘A Daughters story’ uses emotive language when it states ‘I will remember that sentence till I die’. This device is when her dad says that he wouldn’t replace her for 10 boys so she said that she will remember it forever. By using emotive language, it is to make the reader feel what the girl felt and how hard it was for her and her family to live in such harsh environments for her childhood, it is also to make the reader feel grateful and feel as though they need to help the other families that have to go through these things. The story titled ‘Jewelled Mirror’ descriptive language. This device is used when the writer describes what it looked like so it creates a picture in the readers’ mind of what it actually looked like. In ‘Jewelled Mirror’ descriptive language is used when she is describing what it looked like and felt like and looked like from her point of view so it creates a picture in our minds so we know what she felt and how hard it was for her and her

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