
Using Green Energy to Help with Global Warming Essay

Decent Essays

Green energy is a type of energy we use daily. We have many types of energy including Coal, oil, wind, electric, wind, solar geothermal, water, natural gas, biomass, nuclear, and hydrogen. Out of those 12 energies, only wind, solar, geothermal, water, and biomass are renewable and are green. While4 of the remaining, coal, oil natural gas, and nuclear are non-renewable and are not green. Lastly, the remaining 2 energies, electricity and hydrogen are secondary energy sources. (English Online)Based on the graph below, we can lower the lifecycle of greenhouse gases and stop pollution that causes global warming (Union of Concerend Scientists).Graph: (IPCC)
By shifting from coal and fossil fuels to green energy, we will save energy, and our coal …show more content…

Anyone who relies on the USA for trade and alliences will not be able to be supported by the weak US Army and will not be import or export the products with the USA.
Lets look at how much it costs to make things that turn the energies to eletricity.
OpenEI Transparent Cost Database
Plant Type Levelized Cost of
Energy (USD/MWh) Overnight
Capital Cost
(1000xUSD/kW) Fixed
Operating Cost
(USD/kW) Variable
Operating Cost
(USD/MWh) Capacity
Factor (%) Max Median Min Max Median Min Max Median Min Max Median Min Max Median Min
Wind, onshore 120 60 20 2.60 1.57 1.13 60.00 10.95 10.95 23 6.45 5.02 50.4 38 18.4
Wind, offshore 200 100 70 8.00 3.05 2.16 180 14.28 14.28 40 21.18 13 54 43 27
Solar PV 590 280 150 9.50 5.10 2.50 110 32.03 6.44 0 0 0 28 21 15.48
Solar CSP 300 200 60 8.09 5.74 3.20 142 55.72 7.80 25.50 .10 .10 65 31.16 21.84
Geothermal Hydrothermal 140 60 40 5.94 2.82 1.63 229 155.41 68.33 0 0 0 95 85 75
Blind Geothermal 100 6.85 222.98 0 0 0 95
Enhanced Geothermal 130 130 60 7.25 7.00 1.78 199.69 199.69 134.05 40 30 5 95 84.6 80
Small Hydropower 140 4.50 130 0 0 0 50
Hydropower 120 20 20 4.00 1.32 0.50 75 13.14 12.72 5.94 3.20 2.42 93.2 93.2 35
Ocean 210 220 230 11.34 6.00 4.50 100 0 0 0 25.5
Biopower 170 70 10 7.66 2.62 0.36 369.28 66.63 12.00 29.12 4.61 .01 85 84.04 75
Distributed Generation 480 140 50 9.80 1.80 1.31 80 16.58 16.03 51 7.37 7.12 75
Fuel Cell 150 150 140 7.00 4.64 3.80 850 5.65 5.50 47.92

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