
Using Violence for Entertainment Purposes

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Violence, a Human Obsession or Human Nature? "ART IS AN ACT OF VIOLENCE."- Nicolas Winding Refn Film is one of the only art forms that can impact us on a deep emotional level, and perhaps that is why it is often said that the medium has a “violence problem”. The reason there is so much violence captured on film is due part to the fact that film is perfectly suited for addressing it. Most of films make us face our own fears and desires in dissimilar ways, but not a single one of them made me want to punch someone in the face let alone murder any living organism. Refn’s Drive rid that desire, amongst other things, quite some time ago, My most vivid memory of the fall of 2011 is watching a man having his head stomped in by the über cool Ryan Gosling. Drive was screening shortly after its controversial universal premiere in the Cannes film festival that May. Driver, played by a mute Ryan Gosling, drives his boot it into the side of the man’s head, which collapses upon the elevator floor. He never takes even the slightest pause, he just continues to stomp again, and again. When his foot thudded down for perhaps the sixth time it turned the skull of a man into a bloody pulp the man had no head the fragments of skull rested on the floor like crumbs of bread and it was amazing my jaw was on the floor I was in awe no matter if you say the act was animalistic and I found it satisfying plus it was

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