
Using the International Relation’s Theory to Explain the Kosovo Albanian War

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The Kosovo Albanian War drips with International Relations’ theory. Steeped lavishly with interactions, mostly violent unfortunately, there is ample breeding ground for one’s crop of theory. With societal rifts of anguish, for each side unable to appease the other, the land slipped into an entrenched ideology of nationalism against one another. The extent of the war pre-dates NATO and the UN, institutions that made a firm stand in Kosovo, and even the whispered declaration of war. Theory provokes the profound understanding of engagement, with the Kosovo Albanian Conflict subsiding nicely among the shelf of examples.

According to the Oxford Handbook of International Relations, one of four defining principles of Classical Realism is …show more content…

Kosovo acted in means that were congruent with achieving independence, as many fights for freedom before them demonstrated (Oxford, 133). Serbia acted to remain in power of territory and people. NATO and the UN acted to prevent further crisis and deaths, also against international criticisms. The United States and Western allies acted to demonstrate their power over and to control their spheres of influence.

Anarchy, the third principle demarcated by the Oxford Handbook of International Relations, establishes that the absence of an international government provides feeding ground for self-help to accumulate (Oxford, 133). Though NATO and the UN act as international interventionists, they are not an international government, and as much as the United States to assert itself as an international policeman, it does not step its foot into every state’s affairs. Without an international government in place, the Kosovo Albanian Conflict was able to happen. Self-help for all parties was an inevitable aspect of the bloodshed. Kosovars and Serbians alike felt like they were dying and killing for a cause they believed in.

Power Politics divide international relations into control and resources. These facets allow politics to turn into a dance of power and security. Exhibited as the fourth principle, Power Politics are ever-present in most international affairs. States try to secure themselves from others, and in doing so, try to exert power (Oxford, 133) . Power

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