
Essay on Utilitarianism

Decent Essays

Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is mainly associated with the principle of Utility summarised by Jeremy Bentham, a social reformer, in 1768. This principle was to apply ‘the greatest good of the greatest number’ theory to all situations that may arise. This theory was that which is good is the act which provides the greatest amount of pleasure and the least amount of pain. This is a teleological theory as the action is determined by the consequences of the action, and not the purpose of the action. The theory considered pleasure and happiness to be the …show more content…

For Bentham an act is only good if it leads to pleasure. John Stuart Mill was the son of a philosopher who worked with Jeremy Bentham. However, Mill thought that Bentham’s idea of pleasure was vague and thought that different forms of pleasure had different values. Certain areas of Bentham’s theory proved to be problematic when trying to apply it to real life situations. The common example of this is supposing you were a doctor driving to give a patient an emergency Caesarian section, but you see an old man and the woman’s husband in a car crash together. With all four lives in a fatal state, following the theory is impossible as people would respond differently as well as not having the time to consider all the options. Mill recognised that it was within human nature for a person not to try for the maximum pleasure, but for a closer pleasure instead, and developed Bentham’s theory. Bentham’s theory states that an action that will produce the most happiness is the justified decision, using the hedonic calculus, and does not allow for the action to be morally inexcusable. The example of this would be the sadistic guards who enjoy torturing a prisoner, which would be producing happiness for multiple guards and

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