
Utilitarianism : The Ethical Theory

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Utilitarianism came about through the consequentialist ethical theory, which states that consequences determines whether something is good or bad. It is the idea that humans should act in a way that promotes the best utility for the most people. Utility can vary depending on the culture, but for the most part it means the greatest happiness or good for the most amount of people versus unhappiness. In order to determine what the best utility is, one must first determine what is intrinsically good within their culture or society. Then, one must determine what is bad. All of the options must be considered, with each option calculating the value of the results and what they would bring about. Lastly, one must take the course of action that has the highest ratio of good to bad results. Utilitarianism should not be confused with hedonism, which states that the only good thing in itself is pleasure and happiness. Instead, it does not give preferences to happiness or desires, but rather provides a moral compass with which to follow. This might mean sacrificing one’s own happiness for the better utility of the whole. Utilitarianism is appealing due to several different reasons. Everyone’s interest is just as important as some else’s. In addition, most people would generally agree that the same moral conventions, like murder, is wrong, and that it should be against the rules to kill another living being. It is seen as instinct to not kill, enslave, or endanger another human. It

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