
Vaccination In Australia Essay

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To continue in more detail from paper three, I chose Australia as my industrialized country to dig further into and investigate my technology, vaccinations, and better understand the social changes it made by being introduced. The developing country I chose to look further into that was once colonized by Spain is Costa Rica. For both these countries the data and information will be very different because of the diverse backgrounds and economic differences. Australia has readily available immunization for all ages. When looking at age groups seven years and younger the government established the Australian Childhood Immunization Register in 1996. This registration keeps and archives details among vaccinations given to any child in this age group living in Australia. They also have many other programs set up like the National Immunization Program Schedule for children who are older and attending school which are on a routine basis. Australia’s health service uses schools to vaccinate masses and control diseases. Through these school-based programs like ACIR and the NIP, they can offer nationally recommended and Government funded vaccines to specific grades and ages. Although these vaccines are readily provided and inexpensive participation is …show more content…

Article of this Decree also states that “vaccinations against disease are mandatory if deemed necessary by the National Commission on Vaccination and Epidemiology”(Immunization Law). Under article 13 as well they have a law that declares April 7th National Immunization Day directed to immunize children under the age of seven years old. Costa Rica law claims to fund required vaccines by the National Vaccine

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