
Vaccines And Its Effects On Children

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Vaccines are essential to a person’s everyday life and well-being. A person who sneezed in their hand just touched the same door handle that everyone else does. Most people don’t worry that they touched the same item or breathe the same air as someone else because the risk of them contracting a disease such as polio, or diphtheria are extremely low because most people are vaccinated against such diseases. Without the creation of vaccines the population of the world could be completely eliminated. Vaccines are one of medicines greatest advances and has increased our overall life expectancy. Children are vaccinated out of the womb which can prevent sixteen disease that a person can contract. Vaccinations have been proven to eliminate diseases, but controversy continues to surround the vaccinations of people, how they work, mandating, benefits, and side effects. A vaccine is a combination of ingredients injected into a person to protect against a certain disease. Vaccines have allowed us to almost eliminate diseases like small pox, and polio. In order to keep these diseases from becoming an epidemic we must continue to produce safe vaccinations for everyone. Vaccines go through rigorous tests to make sure they are safe and effectively protect us from diseases. Thimerosal, which is only found in the influenza vaccine, contains mercury. The CDC also states that “Americans have never been healthier than we are today and vaccines have never been safer than they are today.

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