
Vaccines And Vaccines Are Made A Huge Impact On Humanity

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Illnesses and diseases continue to develop and spread constantly throughout the world. These harmful viruses have always had a huge impact on humanity. Viruses caused many deaths and outbreaks in the past and present because viruses can be passed on easily. Luckily today there is a way to prevent the spread of these viruses, which is vaccines. Vaccines are used to provide immunity against diseases. Once vaccines were introduced there were a lot of speculations and assumptions. There are many people who are for and against vaccines, but today there are many health professional, experts, doctors, and parents who believe that vaccination is a lifesaver. Vaccination is a controversial topic for many parents and guardians of children. Vaccines …show more content…

Diseases will always travel throughout the world and it will continue to affect children severely if they are not vaccinated. One source known as Benefits from Immunization During the Vaccines for Children Program Era pointed out that the number of children born each year can be prevented, “Approximately 4 million children are born in the United States each year, each of whom is vulnerable to vaccine-preventable pathogens that continue to circulate” (Whitney, Zhou, Singleton and Schuchat 4). The number of children born each year can have an enormous impact on society, there can be a massive epidemic. People do not want their child to be exposed to these deadly infectious disease, especially if they are preventable. The consequences of not vaccinating a child are serious and affect them as well as the people around them. The virus will continue to grow and spread if vaccination is reduced in children. People who decide to stop vaccinating their child can easily cause an impact on society. Not only do parents jeopardize their own child health, but they are also putting other children at risk, especially children that cannot be vaccinated. Children that cannot receive vaccination is because of allergies in the medication, so they rely on others who are vaccinated. Because of the lack of vaccination, there were multiple outbreaks: “In 2014 there was a massive measles outbreak in the United States, 668 cases

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