
Valley Passage Case Study Answers

Satisfactory Essays

1. The goal is to get to the claims office before it closes in fourteen days. I would choose option #3. The valley passage is a safer option than going over the mountain. For example, there is a greater possibility of injury traveling over the mountain. The mountain route is even more difficult because I have an injured left hand. There is the possibility of a storm, making the trail more difficult. However, one disadvantage of the valley passage is time. I need to be back at the claims office in two weeks. The valley passage takes at least two weeks of travel time. Therefore the likely hood of getting there time is slim. Going over the mountain will take 7 to 10 days. I believe the costs of an injured hand, further injury, and bad weather out weigh the benefit of making it there …show more content…

I would choose to send Pat. The goal is to get back to the claims office within two weeks. By taking the valley passage, it takes 14 days to get back. Now with the ankle injury, it will slow me down even more. If Pat goes by himself, it will only take another 8 to 9 days. Therefore, he would be back in time for the claims office. However, Pat has a drinking issue, and is not bright. I would rather have a 50-50 split with Pat, than not get any money at all. Even if I do not arrive in time, there is still the possibility I could end up with the money. Although, I would most likely get out bid at auction. First, I would work with Pat to come up with a plan. Then I would have to communicate with him and teach him how to correctly file a claim. I would advise him to not drink until after he has made the claim and communicate the importance of getting the claims office before the 14 days are up. I would reward Pat by offering a 50-50 split. I believe that offering a 50-50 split may steer him away from drinking. After he feels confident that he can file a claim correctly, I would send him on his way. I would give my ankle a few days rest to heal up, and then I would finish the rest of the

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