
Value Of Personal Loans

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Personal loans can feel like a God-send when you're in a financial pinch or when you want to increase your nest egg. However, without the proper guidance, it can be easy to blow through a personal loan. While that's tempting, your real goal should be to get the most value out of your personal loan. To do that, you have to know what kinds of loans are out there and what the possible drawbacks to each are. Then you can finally make an informed decision that will allow you to get the most value from your loan.

Doing Your Homework

Like anything else, you need to look at several kinds of loans as well as your personal credit. On the one end of the spectrum, you have title loans, which don't require good credit. Rather, you need collateral - a …show more content…

Both have their advantages. Usually, you won't experience an unauthorized credit inquiry with a title loan as they don't require credit to get. That's definitely an advantage. However, the maximum amount of money you can get with a title loan is determined by the value of your car.

Signature loans also have some advantages. Paying off a signature loan means that you're a good credit risk, which in turn allows you to build more credit. More credit means being able to borrow more money on signature down the …show more content…

You wind up paying a lot more money in the end with these loans, especially when you consider roll-over fees. Many times these are so much, you wind up paying more in the process of paying back your loan than you originally borrowed.

Getting the Maximum Value From Your Loans

Despite the high interest rates on some types of loans, it's still possible to get a good value out of your loan. First, if you can get a loan with a lower amount of interest, use these financial tools to pay off some of the higher-interest debts you have as well as loans or lines of credit.

Additionally, making the most of your loan may actually have nothing to do with your loan, but rather what you do with your money elsewhere. Once you get your loan, put the money from the loan into a savings account that has a high interest rate. If your personal loan interest rate is 12%, and you put the money in a savings account that get even just 3%, you effectively lower the rate of your loan to 9%.

If there are no pre-pay penalties, then pay off your loan early if you can. Often the amount of money you have to pay in interest is what really takes a chunk out of your wallet. Shave off months or even years from a loan to save cash in the end, according to The Nest.

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