
Vanity Fair, Starts Off At Miss Pinkerton 's Academy

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Plot Overview The story, Vanity Fair, starts off at Miss Pinkerton 's Academy. Two girls, Amelia Sedley and Rebecca Sharp leave the academy to climb the social ladder, and gain wealth. Amelia 's family decides to visit Amelia. Rebecca manages to have Amelia 's brother, Joseph, fall in love with her. However, George Osborne, a family friend, wants to marry Amelia, and doesn 't want Rebecca to be his sister-in-law. He breaks the engagement, and Jos runs away. Rebecca runs to the Crawley 's house and becomes a governess. Rebecca 's behavior has Sir Pitt 's attention, and he proposes. However, Rebecca is secretly married to Rawdon Crawley, his second son. Because of Rawdon 's marriage, his aunt disinherits him. Back at Waterloo, George 's friend, William Dobbin, pressures George to marry Amelia, so he does. Because the marriage is against George 's father 's will, George is disinherited. Next, George, Rawdon, Joseph, and William are departed for battle. Amelia is distraught, but Rebecca feels indifferent. Amelia responds angrily, thus creating a fight between the two girls. At battle, George dies. This leaves Amelia with no money to live. If it wasn 't for William, Amelia would 've gone hungry. Having both girls be pregnant at this time, they give birth to Rawdy and Georgy. Years have passed, and Rebecca has quite a load of admirers. Rawdon soon finds out about Rebecca 's unfaithfulness, learning that all she really cares about

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