
Veiled Language In Hills Like White Elephants By Ernest Hemingway

Decent Essays

Somethings are considered inappropriate to talk about in public but situations arise that force us to talk about them. In these cases, most people use very veiled speech. I had no expectations going into “Hills Like White Elephants” by Earnest Hemingway, I have not read any other his other work. This story was very full of veiled language and unspoken feelings which was daunting at first, but I came to appreciate after I read it. The title both describes a scene and a situation of the elephant in the room. I was very surprised by this story and enjoyed its style very much. Thought this story I have discovered an appreciation for Hemingway and a desire to read more of his work.
While “Hills Like White Elephants” is a short story, it compresses a lot of ideals and feelings in its few pages. The story opens with a couple at a train station passing the time until their train arrives. They sit in the bar area of the station and seem to try to relax over drinks. While trying to make small talk the couple starts to have a talk about an operation the woman, whose name is Jig, is going to have. What the operation is for or on is never said outright, but with the language used, such as “You don’t have to be afraid. I’ve known lots of people that have done it” (Hemingway 636) and “They just let the air in and then it’s all perfectly natural” (Hemingway 636), I feel they are talking about her getting an abortion. They don’t seem to really be on the same page about how they really feel

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