Planet Venus
Did you know that Venus can be described as a volcano? Earth and Mercury are the two closest neighbors to Venus. Venus is one of the five planets that have existed for so long that date of discovery is unknown. Venus was named after the Roman god of love. Venus is very interesting because of its composition, ancient history, and research.
Not to mention that,Venus has a record of 20 successful explorations and visits. There have no reports of life found on Venus.Venus’s composition is 96% carbon dioxide 3% nitrogen and 1% smaller amounts of other gases. Venus’s appearance looks identical to the inside of a volcano; the surface is very bumpy, is covered by lava, and has several volcanoes. And like any other surface of a volcano’s area there are craters along the surface of Venus.
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Despite the fact that Venus has volcanoes and lava on the surface, no changes in temperature have been documented. Venus is 67.24 million miles away from the sun,is the second planet from the sun,
NASA is planning to build a heat tolerable rover to collect information that was lost. A future trip is planned for NASA to visit Venus to put the rover on the planet. There were initially two rovers on Venus, but one , but the new rover will retrace all the information.When Venus is boiling hot the size does not increase or decrease, sense the planet is always broiling the planet does not get drained or pumped up , it stays the same. Although sometimes Venus reflects its heat to other planets.
In conclusion, Venus is a very, very hot planet and is called the “Morning Star” and “Evening Star” because the planet is very bright from the lava. If you're interested in any further more information about the rovers check out
Venus is a planet that isn't talked about as much as any other planet but, have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on Venus? You can, it would just take some time.
The population I want to work with once I become a counselor is adolescents. Like all developmental stages, this group has unique characteristics. Aligning my personal beliefs combined with the knowledge I have of this age group, I have chosen Adlerian for my counseling theory. Breaking down personality development, the change process, the focus of the session and personality traits of the counselor through an Adlerian kaleidoscope, I will examine how this theory aligns with my beliefs and will provide guidance in my counseling career.
In December of 1978, an orbiter entered Venus’ orbit. This orbiter was called “The Pioneer Venus Orbiter” one of the two spacecraft which launched Venus to collect data. Along with the orbiter, the “Pioneer Venus Multiprobe” was also sent to Venus where used it had four different probes to collect data through the surface, yet only one probe made it and transmitted the data back. The objective of this project was to create a map of Venus’ surface.
It also includes small amounts of other gases, such as carbon monoxide, argon, neon, and helium. The atmospheric pressure on Venus is over 90 times heavier than that on Earth. Over a thick layer of carbon dioxide closest to the surface are layers of clouds of sulfuric acid, which have obstructed Muggle attempts to observe Venus closely. Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system, and this is due to the effect of runaway greenhouse gases, which left a permanent mark on the planet’s climate. Venus’s temperature ranges from -364 to 870 degrees Fahrenheit. Venus is one of the brightest planets in the sky, and this is due in part to its clouds, which are highly
Venus + Mars: Compare and contrast the evolution of the atmospheres of Mars, Venus, and Earth.
Like Mercury it is a rocky planet. It's even hotter than its smaller cousin Mercury, with temperatures drastically increased by an unchecked system of greenhouse gasses. The temperatures also varied wildly, from a -364 degree Fahrenheit low to a 870 degree high. Venus also hosts wild winds, blowing at extremely high speeds at the poles while the air at the equator hangs at a standstill. This air is also extremely heavy, and weighs almost 90 times heavier than that on Earth. Venus is constantly covered in thick, sulfurous clouds. These clouds reflect almost 90% of the light that hit them, making Venus the brightest object in the sky besides the sun and the moon. They also contain droplets of sulfuric acid, which occasionally rains down on the planet's surface. These storms even contain
The planet's atmosphere is also surrounded by thick, acidic, sulfuric clouds. The atmospheric pressure is approximately 90 times that of Earth, and the atmosphere is made up mainly of carbon dioxide, with the remaining 3.5% taken up with nitrogen and a few other elements. The thick sulfuric clouds surrounding the planet make it difficult to view the surface with any accuracy, and the huge pressure and heat below the clouds mean that the atmosphere is not conducive for human-made crafts to survive in the climate. Venus's atmosphere is in constant circulation of the planet, circling it in a mere 4 Earth days. The winds near the atmosphere of Venus are approximately 220mph in order to facilitate this speedy atmospheric rotation, although the winds on the surface are much much slower. In summary, Venus would be a bad (and unpleasant) choice for human habitation, due to enormous levels of atmospheric pressure, very high temperatures, and sulfuric acid
Being Earth's sister planet, Venus can be greatly compared to it. They are similar in most aspects but Venus can be distinct from Earth by its atmosphere. Venus' atmosphere consist of carbon dioxide and a small percentage of nitrogen. Its atmospheric mass is 93 times of that of Earth and its atmospheric pressure is 92 times of that of on Earth's surface. Hence, Venus has an extremely dense atmosphere. The abundance of carbon dioxide and thick clouds of sulfur dioxide is responsible for the greatest greenhouse effect in the Solar System. It causes hot surfaces, even hotter than Mercury, and its minimum surface temperature of 735 K. This temperature does not vary or varies only little between day and night in Venus due to thermal inertia and
There are some characteristics that Venus does have on the ground. “More than a thousand volcanoes or volcanic centers larger than 12 miles (20 kilometers) in diameter dot the surface of Venus. Volcanic flows have produced long, sinuous channels extending for hundreds of kilometers.” ( para. 8 n.d). The landmass on Venus is potholed by small craters by meteor or comet strikes. “Most of Venus is covered with smooth volcanic plains, with two large "continents" standing out. Ishtar Terra lies to the north, covering an area approximately the size of Australia, while the Africa-sized Aphrodite Terra lies just south of the equator.” (Reed para. 4 2012). Unfortunately not much is known about the surface features, however, we know there are wind swept dunes and volcanoes. The land masses on Venus unlike Earth does not sit on hard rock or water like the continents do on the Earth and Mars; Venus however, is far too hot for water and heavy metals would melt due to the heat. The continents on Venus float on liquid magma. Some scientists theorize that 500 million years ago an incident happened that stopped any kind of plate
This short story All summer in a day is about this girl whose family moved to Venus from Earth that the sun only comes out every 7 years. Venus is 261 million kilometers and when you translate it to mile it is 162177881.174 and to you is that far from Earth and Venus is made of up of a central iron core and a rocky mantle, similar to the composition of Earth. Its atmosphere is mainly made up of carbon dioxide (96%) and nitrogen (3%), with small amounts of other gases.
Venus is like the planet of hell. It has acid clouds and volcanoes. It is a nice 900 *F. The air is filled with foul and corrosive sulfur. This planet has water but not a lot of it.
In many ways Venus is found to be similar to Earth. However their similarities do not extend further than their physical properties, for instance, their atmospheres differ greatly from each other. Venus is said to have atmospheric pressure of 92.1 barometers (Adams, D. Et al., 1994 p.126) which it is evidently 92 times greater than Earth’s that is 1.01 barometers (Adams, D. Et al., 1994 p.126) at sea-level. In spite of this comparison to Earth’s atmospheric pressure, Venus owns an out of the ordinary atmospheric composition.
The atmosphere of Venus made up of 98% carbon dioxide and 2% Nitrogen. This atmosphere also has the presence of helium, neon and argon. This is yet another thing which makes Venus different from Earth.
Venus is often called earth's twin because its “size, mass, and density are so much like Earth’s”, but that’s where the similarities end (Wyzant 2017). The planet's atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid, and scientist have found trace amounts of water in the atmosphere since the surface is too hot for water to be in a liquid or solid state. Roughly ⅔ of the surface of Venus is flat, with many volcanoes that emit a blue lava from the high amounts of sulfuric acid on the planet.
Venus is the second closest planet to the sun and is said to be the most closely resembles to Earth in size, density, and distance from the sun. Most scientists know Venus as the sister planet to the Earth. It is called this because it closely resembles the Earth’s mass, density and diameter. The only thing different is that Venus is shrouded in thick clouds that completely hide the surface of the planet. The surface temperature is also much warmer than that of Earth. Venus completes one revolution around the