
Verizon Dystopia

Decent Essays

It’s a bright Sunday morning; the birds are chirping, the smell of fresh coffee is in the air and you turn on the tv; “Another Leak Of All Verizon Users Personal Information Out On The Web” is today's headline on the news. In our society right now; the government has the utmost power; yet they might not be using their powers in ways you’d expect. If you're a daily electronic users at Urbandale High School who spends at least 30 hours a week using online functions for entertainment or work; then you might not have heard or seen what the government's been doing recently. In an in depth analysis shows that our life we’re living right now could be seen as a dystopian universe over 50 years ago. Yet as our nation advances, its being advanced in …show more content…

As seen with the privacy issue in 1984 it greatly damaged the citizens thoughts and hopes; it was seen all through the book of how life was ruined for many people, how life was bland and unsafe, how if you believe in something the government doesn't believe in and they find out, they could put you on a watch list; from that it creates separation and may can ruin the economy. Yet it's shown in other countries currently at how having such strict privacy laws ruins a country; just as Orwell had predicted; as seen in Syria in current day “Freedoms of speech, press, and assembly are heavily restricted by the government as well as by some rebel factions like the Islamic State, which have imposed strict interpretations of Islamic laws. In addition to general insecurity, corruption is widespread on all levels” (“Syria: Government”); From such restrictions it damages the people's relationship with their government and makes everyday lives more straight forwarded; with many creative aspects gone in one's life. The government has an extreme grasp on its citizens privacy, which could make the country extremely government oriented as we wouldn't be able to express ourselves if it's against the government's belief; If our country keeps advancing in the way it is; at this rate Oceania could be the actual state of our nation; allowing the government to have as much data as it has is more detrimental rather than beneficial; as the state can always watch you at all times of the day; it also puts citizens in fear as they will have to start believing in what the government says rather than their own beliefs. If our country keeps advancing in the way it is; at this rate Oceania could be the actual state of our nation; allowing the government to collect as much data as it has been more detrimental; rather than beneficial; as the state can

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