
Vermeer's Girl With A Pearl Earring

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At this point in the novel, Girl With a Pearl Earring, Johannes Vermeer, the famous painter of the 1600’s, has taking a special liking to Griet, he describes her in the novel as a muse like figure. After sharing his life story, and feelings towards his paintings and fame with Griet, he asks that she pose for a painting. Griet allows Vermeer to do so, not solely because she feels the connection between them but more so because he is her boss and is of a higher rank than her. Catharina, the wife of Johannes Vermeer at this time, is incredibly jealous of Griet and the attention that she gets from her husband. At the beginning of Griet's career, Catharina told Griet's mother that she could visit on sundays while the family was at the Catholic Church.

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