
Veronica Roth Identity

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What is identity? Identity is like music, it’s all entertainment but it’s not all the same kind of music, there all different from each other. You are not born with you identity you have to make chooses, what you do in you life, how you act around other people. I believe you make your identity after you are born. The novel Divergent by Veronica Roth has many different themes and messages throughout it that the author is trying to show the reader. One of the main themes in this novel that stood out to me was the theme of identity and finding out who you really are. There are two characters that stand out due to their traits and choices when confronted by a difficult situation. These two characters are Tris and Tobias. They face their challenges head on and are always thinking on how to get through a situation in the most efficient way. …show more content…

She approaches decisions with careful thought and precision and doesn't back down. During the choosing ceremony, she carefully weighs her options and chooses the best for her, even if it means leaving her family. In her initiation, she is faced with many trying tasks, and she pushes though each one with determination. "I have to stay on my feet so he cant kick me in the head. That's the only thing I can think about." (Roth 109). This quote is taken from when Tris was in one of her initiation fights, up against one of the best fighters there, and she refused to go down without a fight. She learns to control her fears when she needs to and helps others face theirs. Tris also leads the remaining people to stop the simulation and does so successfully. Even when Tris’s life is threatened, she goes on. These examples provide evidence that shows that Tris is a determined person who will do anything she can for the good of

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